Thu 23 February 2023

Articles | Cheaper fresh products for people over 65 in Spain from Carrefour

Benefits for people over 65 years from Carrefour

There is a lot of talk about the price level of food in Spain. It is generally said that a large number of basic foodstuffs, raw materials for the kitchen and taxable products are clearly cheaper in Spain than in general, even in U.K or Scandinavia.

The French grocery chain Carrefour ( ) adds its own colour to this situation, as it offers all over 65s fresh food without local VAT (IVA) or virtually always gives a discount of up to 4-10% on these products. Every day and all year round.

The discount includes:

  • Meat products
  • Fresh delicacies
  • Fish counter dishes
  • Bakery products
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Cheeses and (chicken) eggs
  • Cakes and pastries

This benefit is therefore available to anyone over the age of 65 and is done by joining the “ Plan 65+ ” program. You need a passport with you. The program is free and valid until further notice.

You can ask for more information at the Carrefour information desk or by asking WhatsApp about Torrevieja Carrefour on +34 602 42 74 40. Dos Mares shopping center is also good place to join Club of healthier and cheapper life in Spain.

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